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City of Irving Reminds of Annual Registration Requirement of Short-Term Rentals to Ensure Compliance and Maintain Neighborhood Quality

A friendly reminder to all operators of short-term rentals (STRs) within the city limits of Irving: the annual registration for STRs is required. In accordance with Chapter 8 - Article XI of the Irving Code of Ordinances, all STRs must be registered with the city on an annual basis.

Under the city's definition, a Short-Term Rental is described as "any single-family residential structure, or portion thereof, used for lodging accommodations to guests for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days." This includes properties rented out through platforms such as Airbnb, Vrbo, and others.

The purpose behind this registration requirement is to maintain open lines of communication between STR operators and the city, ensuring a smooth and cooperative environment for all residents. By knowing where STRs are located and having access to operator contact information, the city can swiftly address any concerns or issues that may arise, such as property maintenance or violations of city codes and state laws.

City officials emphasize the importance of compliance with the registration requirement, as it helps maintain the quality of life in residential neighborhoods and ensures that STRs operate in a manner that aligns with the city's codes and regulations.

"The intent behind this initiative is to preserve the high quality of life in our residential neighborhoods," explaines Irving's Code Enforcement Department. "By requiring STR property owners to register their accommodations, the city gains valuable insight into the location and contact details of operators. This, in turn, facilitates swift communication and enforcement of our codes and state regulations."

To complete your annual registration or for more information, please visit the official City of Irving website.


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