Level Orange Ozone Action Days have been declared for Wednesday, Aug. 2 and Thursday, Aug. 3 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. On Ozone Action Days, help out the environment by implementing clean air strategies.
Children, older adults and people with lung disease, such as asthma, emphysema or chronic bronchitis, should limit outdoor activity when Level Orange is reached. If ozone reaches Level Red, children, older adults and people with lung disease, such as asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis, should avoid outdoor activity, and everyone should limit prolonged outdoor exertion at that time.
Plan your commute to avoid heavy congestion on the road. A great tool to use is 511 DFW, which is a resource that allows users to access real-time traffic and construction reports. And great news: not only is it available online, but it is also free to download in both the Google Play and App Store.
Drive less. Not only will it reduce the amount of emissions from your vehicle, but it will also save headaches and time! Other options to driving include walking or biking to work and school, carpooling and trying public transit.
Maintain your vehicle. Got tailpipe smoke? Have your vehicle checked by a certified mechanic annually. Planning on purchasing a new car? Consider a more fuel-efficient or hybrid/electric vehicle. The IRS offers credit up to $7,500 for the purchase of a qualified plug-in electric car. Learn more about this wonderful opportunity.
Refuel during cooler temperatures – evenings or early morning. To prevent gas fumes from heating up in hotter temperatures, refuel your vehicle in the evening or early morning.
Reduce idling. There is a myth going around that restarting your car uses more fuel and that it will slowly wear out your engine. However, every hour of idling wastes about 30 percent of a gallon of fuel. Idling doesn’t help conserve gas or your vehicle, so turn off your engine to save money and the air.