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City of Irving Ensures Lead-Free Drinking Water Through Comprehensive Inspection Program

The City of Irving's Water Utilities Department has been diligently working to guarantee the safety of the city's drinking water in compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. The initiative, launched in 2021, aims to examine approximately 50,000 public and private water service lines to ensure they are free of lead.

As of November 1, 2023, the inspection team has successfully completed 60% of the examinations, finding no traces of lead in the distribution system. In addition to on-site inspections, the Water Utilities Department staff is meticulously reviewing service line records, with no lead content identified thus far.

The inspection process is part of the city's commitment to meeting the EPA's updated Lead and Copper Rule, which mandates water providers to scrutinize construction records or inspect water service lines to confirm the absence of lead service lines in distribution systems.

Looking ahead, the Water Utilities Department aims to complete examinations on every water line in Irving by October 2024. Once the comprehensive inspection is finalized, residents will have the opportunity to review the findings through an online database.

Moreover, the EPA is expected to introduce further updates to the Lead and Copper Rule in the coming year, reinforcing efforts to ensure the safety and quality of drinking water across the nation.

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